The purpose of this blog is to help grade 12 physics students with problems and concerns in their course. Students should also reflect on the day's lesson - question, think, get curious!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Heeey guys!!! It is Linger here, and I am your scribe for today and yesterday's class. Anyway, let's begin!!!

Yesterday was the last day of presentations for our projects on Space Exploration. We had Mark present his but due to technical difficulties, others could not present theirs. If you haven't already presented yours, all you need is a group of 5 volunteers to watch your presentation during a lunch hour... it's better late than never! We also had the worksheet called ELECTRICAL FORCES. And that brought us to the end of class. Homework was to finish number five.

In today's class, we corrected the worksheet and Ms. Kozoriz explained how to do number five. We also got a booklet about Coulomb's Law. The first page was based on One Dimension. The second page was about Two Dimensions using equilateral triangles. The third page was about Two Dimensions using squares with indvidual forces and last page was Two Dimensions using squares and adding the forces. The booklet was pretty straightforward. It tells you what to do step by step in certain situations. Remember to convert the measurements to meters if it is given in centimeters. Also, remember to square the value in the denominator!

After discussing this booklet, we were to read pages 415-420 in the red textbooks. For Practice, do problems 1-5 on page 420. Questions 15 and 16 on page 423 are to be handed in for marks and in order to write the unit test.

Well that is it for me. For further help or explanations, make this blog your friend and scroll down to the slides that was posted for today and/or yesterday's class. Anyway, the next scribe is none other than....


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