-One magnetic line is sometimes called Weber (Wb)
-units of B (magnetic field strength)
One Tesla(T)= one newton/(ampere*meter) or Wb/m2
-One Tesla is about 5 Times the strength of an ordinary bar magnet. The earth's magnetic field is about 5 x 10-5 T (0.00005)
-when we talked about the number of magnetic lines we use the expression Flux, and designate it by the Greek letter "phi"
Electromagnetic Induction
A current set op in a closed circuit located in a magnetic field whenever the total magnetic flux lining the circuit is changing.
Two conditions necessary for an electric current to be produced with a magnetic field:
1. Must have a closed circuit
2. Must have changing magnetic filed
Three factors that determine the value of the induced EMF are
1. Length of the wire
2. Flux density of the field
3. Speed of which conductor moves through field
and the formula....EMF=Blv
and after discussing all of this Jennie and her friend reported about mars exploration,it was supposed to be like past two months ago..
Next scribe would be.... nivram!!!hahahaah
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